Lanternfire Press

Scouting for Catholics

by Miss Vera Barclay

This 1927 book was an effort to make Scouting understandable to people in Catholic parishes so they would support it and make the Scouting Movement "a genuine development within the Catholic Church, and therefore alive with the very life of the Church".

Baden Powell said of the original edition: "... This is really a valuable little book. Primarily written for the information of Roman Catholics, it is none the less applicable everywhere. Though a small book, it touches on every point in Scouting and Cubbing, from the defects of porridge to dealing with the recalcitrant boy. It expresses our ideals clearly and in simple language and gives practical suggestions of the greatest value (since they are the outcome of sympathetic experience) inculcating those principles among boys. ... So I confidently prophesy that every Scouter who possesses himself of a copy will find his work the better for it, and that the results attained by his Troop will not merely be Scouting but good Scouting.'' (from The Scouter, February 1928)

Updated and expanded with contemporary information and relevant research documentation, this 2023 edition of Miss Barclay's book intends to show how a comprehensive and fully Catholic Scouting Movement exists today and is accomplishing — by God's grace! — what was being promoted a century ago.

Catholic organizations eligible for wholesale purchases, please contact us directly.

For direct allocation donations, the estimated fair market value of one copy is $20.

For any international donation promoting Miss Barclay's books, each book has an added fair market value of USD$5, as they must be printed in the United States and exported.