Lanternfire Press


the english edition of

Le Scoutisme

by Venerable Father Jacques Sevin, S.J.

english edition by Ave Crux Translations

The foundational book for Catholic Scouting, Father Sevin's study of Scouting principles and explanation of their practice, adapting and correcting them to have integrated Catholic purpose and to promote not merely values but virtues, and how Scouting can be inculturated for French sensibilities, and also for every nation and people.

This translation is based on the 1924 edition, with critical review of the 1922 and 1933 editions.

Every Scout Leader can benefit from Father Sevin's documentary study and application of Scouting principles.

Available now for the first time in the English language.

Contents include:

Also in this new English edition:

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For direct allocation donations, the estimated fair market value of one copy is $40.

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